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The Osano ConsentSDK for iOS is a native framework that integrates with the Consent Management Platform on the Osano Website. It is necessary to have an account, and a Cookie Consent configuration created and published in order for this SDK to be able to record end-user consents.

How do I use it?


First, you must create an instance of the ConsentManager object. This object contains the general configuration parameters that will be used throughout the life of the application.

import ConsentSDK
// ...
let consentManager = ConsentManager(
customerId: "my_customer_id",
configId: "my_config_id",
consentingDomain: "my.consenting.domain",
extUsrData: "my_user_data"){ error in
if let error = error {
print("Initialization failed with error: (error)")
} else {
print("ConsentManager initialized successfully")

Note that the configId and customerId parameters are not optional, and must match the values of your configuration on the Osano website.

The completion handler lets you to know when initialization is completed successfully, allowing you load the UI with the correct locale and UI configurations.

UI Builder

Now that you have created an instance of the ConsentManager, you can use it to create and show consent messages in your application. There are two types of dialogues available to show in the SDK, and (depending on the geo-location of your end-user) the UI for each will look different. This is due to legal requirements that are in place for the end-user's geo-location. Rest assured, these UI differences are intentional and necessary to maintain legal compliance for the location of your users.

The dialogue UI can be personalized via the following builder parameters:

let consentUiBuilder = ConsentUiBuilder(
storagePolicyHref: nil,
additionalLinkHref: nil,
languageCode: nil,
consentManager: consentManager,
hideDisclosures: true

// You can also provide custom color overrides for the UI

let consentUiBuilder = ConsentUiBuilder(
linkColor: nil,
toggleButtonOnColor: nil,
toggleOnBackgroundColor: nil,
toggleButtonOffColor: nil,
toggleOffBackgroundColor: nil,
buttonBackgroundColor: nil,
buttonForegroundColor: nil,
dialogBackgroundColor: nil,
dialogForegroundColor: nil,
buttonDenyBackgroundColor: nil,
buttonDenyForegroundColor: nil,
infoDialogBackgroundColor: nil,
infoDialogForegroundColor: nil,
infoDialogOverlayColor: nil,
storagePolicyHref: nil,
languageCode: nil,
consentManager: consentManager,
hideDisclosures: true

If you do not provide values for the color overrides, or other optional parameters, the SDK will use the values that are set in your configuration on the Osano website.

Display Modes

The UI may de shown in 2 different ways:


The Dialog View Controller allows you to show a consent message and the required data storage preferences based on the country the device is in. The SDK takes care of figuring out which consent variant must be shown based on the device's locale. You can choose the presentation type with the PresentationType enum

public enum PresentationType: Int {
case modal
case fullScreen
case bottomSheet

To create the dialogue and show it, use the showDialogViewController method:

let type = ConsentUiBuilder.PresentationType.fullScreen
consentUiBuilder.showDialogViewController(presenterViewController: self, type: type) { (categories) in
} deny: {
print("User denied")

The dialog (depending on the end-user's geo-location) may have an automatic timeout, which will grant consent upon closure. This is normal functionality for specific global regions.

Declined to Consent

If a the completion callback notifies you that the end-user declined to consent, this does not mean they denied consent. It simply means that they did not make a selection.

The Drawer UI will not allow the user to dismiss the modal without making a selection, but the Dialog UI (in some geo-locations) will allow the user to dismiss the modal without making a selection. This is why it is important to check the categories array in the completion callback to determine if the user has actually declined to consent.


The Drawer View Controller allows you to display all consent categories using a built-in UI. In this dialogue, the user can choose to enable or disable any of the consent categories. To user the view controller and show it, use the method showDrawerViewController

guard let viewController = consentUiBuilder.categoriesViewController else { return }

consentUiBuilder.showDrawerViewController { (categories) in
// Do something with the categories

let drawerNavigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController)
drawerNavigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
present(drawerNavigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)


By default the SDK will use the device's preferred language when showing the dialog or drawer. If you want to force a specific language, you can provide a languageCode parameter to the ConsentUiBuilder initializer. The languageCode parameter should be a valid ISO 639-1 language code.

The following methods are available to assist you in using the right language based on your app's needs:


ConsentUiBuilder.getSupportedLanguages() -> [String]

Returns the languages supported by the SDK.


ConsentUiBuilder.isLanguageSupported(language: String) -> Bool

Returns whether the language is supported by the SDK.

Using Custom UI

If the SDK's built-in UI does not fit your requirements, you can use the ConsentManager's APIs and integrate them to your own app's UI:

To save (locally and remotely) new consent categories use:

let analytics = OsanoCategoryObject.factory(category: .essential) // .analytics, .essential, .marketing, .personalization, .opt_out
consentManager.consent(objectCategories: [analytics])

To get the list of consented categories (local storage):

guard let consentedArray = consentManager.userConsentedCategories() as? [String] else { return }
let consentedString = consentedArray.joined(separator: ", ")

To get whether the user has already gone through the consent process:

let userConsented = consentManager.userConsent()

The SDK supports Google's Consent Mode. To enable, turn on Google Consent Mode in your configuration on the Osano website and follow instructions below:

  1. Add the following Analytics extension to your project
import FirebaseAnalytics
import Foundation

extension Analytics {

static func convertToFirebaseConsentType(from category: String) -> ConsentType? {
switch category {
case "analytics_storage": return .analyticsStorage
case "ad_storage": return .adStorage
case "ad_user_data": return .adUserData
case "ad_personalization": return .adPersonalization
return nil

static func convertToFirebaseConsentStatus(from status: String) -> ConsentStatus? {
switch status {
case "granted": return .granted
case "denied": return .denied
return nil

static func setConsent(using osanoGoogleConsent: [String: String]) {
var firebaseConsentMap: [ConsentType: ConsentStatus] = [:]

osanoGoogleConsent.forEach { key, value in
let consentType = Analytics.convertToFirebaseConsentType(from: key)
let consentStatus = Analytics.convertToFirebaseConsentStatus(from: value)

guard let consentType = consentType, let consentStatus = consentStatus else {

firebaseConsentMap[consentType] = consentStatus

  1. Use the ConsentManager.withGoogleConsent callback to trigger Firebase Analytics updates
consentManager.withGoogleConsent { (googleConsent) in
Analytics.setConsent(using: googleConsent)