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FAQ: Troubleshooting Integrations

Common Issues & Solutions

If you're encountering issues with integrations, start by checking the three most common culprits: credentials, permissions/scopes, and subdomains. Below are frequently asked questions and steps to resolve them.


1. I'm getting an Authentication error, please verify credentials. What should I do?

  • Ensure your API key is active and not expired.
  • Check for typos or extra spaces in the key
  • Verify you're using the correct key type (e.g. Read Only vs Server Side)

Permissions & Scopes

2. Why am I getting a System Error even with a valid API key?

  • Check if your API key has the required permissions listed in our integration documentation page. Permissions are often tied to specific key types.
  • Example: A key for read-only access won't work for write operations.

3. I updated permissions, but my integration still isn't working.

  • API keys inherit permissions at creation time. If you updated permissions later, regenerate the key.

4. How do I know which scopes my key has?

  • Please cross-reference your vendor dashboard setting, there should be a specific section for checking your scopes and it varies by vendors.


5. My data store is stuck in progress.

  • Some integrations require a customer-specific subdomain (e.g., instead of
  • Ensure the subdomain you entered has no typos (e.g., companys vs company).

6. Where do I find my subdomain?

  • Subdomains are often set during account registration or in your dashboard settings.
  • If unsudre, contact your account administrator.

General Troubleshooting Tips

  • Double-check our documentation: Ensure you are using the correct API key, permissions and subdomains.
  • Still stuck? Contact our customer support team and include:
    • Permissions used
    • Full error message screenshot

Pro Tip: 90% of integration issues are resolved by verifying credentials, permissions, and subdomains. Always start there!