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Tag Managers

Unified Consent supports integration with Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Tealium Tag Manager. See the respective third party documentation for instructions on implementing Google Tag Manager or Tealium Tag Manager on your website.

When we send updates to the data layer

When a qualifying event occurs, an update will be pushed to both the GTM and Tealium data layers. The following events will trigger an update:

  • The SDK has been loaded
  • An explicit consent has been made
  • A GPC consent has been made

Google Tag Manager

The following type describes the payload of the object that is pushed to the Google Tag Manager window.dataLayer array when a qualifying event occurs:

type GoogleDataLayerEvent = {
event: 'consent-status'
gpc: boolean // Indicates whether this event was triggered by a GPC consent
type: 'implicit' | 'explicit' // The type of consent being given
accepted: string[] // An array of privacy protocol IDs for which consent has been accepted
rejected: string[] // An array of privacy protocol IDs for which consent has been rejected
undetermined: string[] // An array of privacy protocol IDs for which consent is undetermined

Tealium Tag Manager

The following type describes the fields that are updated in the Tealium Tag Manager window.utag_data object when a qualifying event occurs:

type TealiumDataLayerEvent = {
osano_services_with_consent: string[] // An array of privacy protocol IDs for which consent has been accepted
osano_consent_type: 'implicit' | 'explicit' // The type of consent being given
gpc: boolean // Indicates whether this event was triggered by a GPC consent

If available, we also record the Tealium visitor ID and session ID in the attributes field of the UnifiedConsent