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Entities references


/** Supported action types.
enum ActionType {
Accept = 'accept',
Reject = 'reject',
Unselected = 'unselected',

/** A consent Action represents a single input from a Subject.
* In the Cookie Consent flow, it might be opt-in/opt-out actions on a specific cookie.
* The Action is performed on a {@link target} object, which belongs to a {@link vendor}.
type Action = {
/** Target object of this Action. */
target: string
/** Vendor that owns the target object. */
vendor: string
/** Type of action performed on the target object. */
action: ActionType


import { ActionType } from './Action'

* Represents a consent and its included actions.
type ActionWithConsent = {
/** Target object of this Action. */
target: string
/** Vendor that owns the target object. */
vendor: string
/** Type of action performed on the target object. */
action: ActionType
/** Consent Id. */
consentId: string
/** Channel Id. */
channelId: string
/** Creation Date of this consent.*/
createdAt: Date


* This type defines possible attributes to be configured by channel
type Attribute = {
name: string
type: string
jsonFieldName: string


/** This type defines the configuration required by the function [getToken] of [UnifiedConsentByOsanoSDK] to work.
type AuthorizationConfig = {
/** URL of authorization services provider */
issuer: string
/** The config Id */
configId: string
/** The Collection Id */
collectionId: string
/** The Client Id */
customerId: string


type Channel = {
id: string
brandId: string
name: string
description: string
attributes: Attribute[]
tags: string[]
collection?: Collection
createdAt: Date


* This type defines the configuration required by a UnifiedConsentByOsanoClient to work.
type ClientConfig = {
/** Token with authorization to execute call to the Core API */
token: string
/** Osano's Unified Consent API URL */
apiUrl: string
/** API Key issued by Osano through the Webapp. Optional, but necessary for calling subject related routes in the Core API */
osanoApiKey?: string
/** Set a country code for the client instance */
overrideCountryCode?: string
/** Set a region code for the client instance */
overrideRegionCode?: string
/** Overrides the default configuration of the cookies*/
cookieConfig?: {
/** Amount of days in the future when the cookie expiration will be set */
expirationInDays?: number
/** Whether the expiration date should be refreshed on a new visit */
refreshOnVisit?: boolean


/** Defines the configuration to initialize the embedded rendering mode.
type EmbeddedConfig = {
/* A DOM iframe where the target child is rendered */
targetIframe: HTMLIFrameElement
cookieConfig?: {
/** Amount of days in the future when the cookie expiration will be set */
expirationInDays?: number
/** Whether the expiration date should be refreshed on a new visit */
refreshOnVisit?: boolean


type Collection = {
id: string
name: string
consents: Consent[]
preferences: Preference[]


/** A Conflict represents a collision between Actions across channels.
import { ActionWithConsent } from './ActionWithConsent'

type Conflict = {
/** Type represents the classification why exists some conflict with the consents */
type: string
/** Resolution represents the action taken to resolve the conflict */
resolution: string
/** List of actions in conflict */
actionsInConflict: ActionWithConsent[]
type Consent = {
id: string
categories: string[]
enabled: boolean
title: string
description: string
target: string
defaultAction: string
acceptWording: string
rejectWording: string


type CreateConsentPayload = {
subject: Subject
actions: Action[]
attributes?: any
tags?: string[]
compliance?: {
privacyPolicy?: {
version?: string
url: string
gpc?: 1
// A country two letter ISO code. Defaults to the resolved country via IP if not provided
overrideCountryCode?: string
// A two letter ISO code for state, only US supported. Defaults to the resolved region via IP if not provided
overrideRegionCode?: string


type CreateGpcConsentPayload = {
subject: Subject
compliance: {
gpc: 1
attributes?: {
[key: string]: any
/** An optional jurisdiction override. If not passed, the user's jurisdiction will be determined by IP geolocation. */
jurisdiction?: string


type GetUnifiedConsentResponse = {
/** Unified Consent contains all the information about consent of a Subject */
unifiedConsent: UnifiedConsent
/** List of Conflicts if exists with all the details of resolution */
conflicts: Conflict[]


type HasConsentsPayload = {
/** The subjectId to check for having previous consents */
subjectId?: string


type SaveProfilePayload = {
email: string
profile?: any


type VerifySubjectProfilePayload = {
email: string
verificationCode: string


type Preference = {
id: string
categories: string[]
enabled: boolean
title: string
description: string
target: string
defaultAction: ActionType
acceptWording: string
rejectWording: string


* This type defines the configuration required to register the privacy protocols.
type PrivacyProtocolsConfig = {
/** Osano's Unified Consent API URL */
apiUrl: string
/** Write only api key */
apiKey: string
/** Gpc attributes */
attributes?: Record<string, any>
/** Cookie-related config */
cookieConfig?: {
/** Amount of days in the future when the cookie expiration will be set */
expirationInDays?: number
/** Whether the expiration date should be refreshed on a new visit */
refreshOnVisit?: boolean


A subject in the system. It can have either an anonymousId or a verifiedId. If it is a verified subject, it can contain a profile

type Subject = {
verifiedId?: string
anonymousId?: string
profile?: {
email: string
firstName?: string
lastName?: string


type UnifiedConsent = {
/** Subject Id. */
subjectId: string
/** Brand Id. */
brandId: string
/** Region of subject. */
region: string
/** List of Actions of consent. */
actions: Action[]
/** Attributes of consent. */
attributes: { [key: string]: any }


Supported event types

enum MessageType {
LOGIN = 'login',
LOGOUT = 'logout',
CONSENT_WRITE = 'consent:write',


Callback to execute when an event is received

type MessageListener = (message: Message) => void


type Message = {
type: MessageType
data: any