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Subject Rights CSV Import

Learn to import requests from CSV easily onto the Osano platform. Mastering this process simplifies request creation, enhancing your Osano experience. See the below guide for instructions on how to import this data.

How do I import requests from CSV?

First, navigate to the requests page located under Subject Rights in the left-hand navigation panel:

Subject Rights Sidebar

Then click the 'plus' icon at the bottom right of the list of requests to open the import requests from csv modal.

Import Requests by CSV

Next select a form to use for the request workflow and upload a CSV file that matches the format described below. The first row of the file will be skipped on import.

Note: You must create a CSV with all of the required headers below exactly as they are written. Columns marked as optional can be blank. Imports with additional rows and/or incorrect naming conventions will fail to be uploaded.

CSV Import Column Headers

Use our CSV template to get started importing requests into Osano.

Email (Required) - The email of the requestor.

NOTE: This value must be in an email format.

Request Type (Required) - The type of request to be created.


Status (Required) - The status of the request to be created.

NOTE: The value must match one of our supported request statuses: PENDING_IDENTITY_VERIFICATION, IN_PROGRESS, IN_REVIEW, REJECTED, COMPLETED

Given Name (Optional) - The first name of the requestor.

Family Name (Optional) - The last name of the requestor.

Territory (Optional) - The state or territory of the requestor.

NOTE: The value must be in the ISO-3166 A-2 territory code format without the country code. For example, the territory code for California would be CA.

Country (Optional) - The country of the requestor.

NOTE: The value must be in the ISO-3166 A-2 country code format. For example, the country code for the United States would be US.

Requestor Type (Optional) - The type of requestor.

NOTE: This value will typically be EMPLOYEE, CUSTOMER, or OTHER,

Due (Optional) - The due date of the request to be created.

NOTE: The value must be a date in the ISO 8601 format. For example, 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z would be a valid date. A due date will be auto-generated if no value is provided.

Notes (Optional) - The notes of the request to be created.

NOTE: The value must be less than or equal to 500 characters.